Families are complicated, and every dynamic brings its own set of challenges. For many, the joy of a new family member is a cause for celebration. But when the cycle of unplanned pregnancies becomes a recurring theme, it can strain even the strongest familial bonds.
One man explained what was happening to him.
My little sister had her first kid at 15 and her second at 17. They are my kids now. I was their guardian and eventually, I adopted them.
I didn’t want kids, but now I have three. One biological that was an oops that was the greatest mistake I’ve ever made. I love her more than anyone in the world. Except maybe her two brothers and my wife.
I just want to establish that I do not care how many men my sister hooks up with. I am just doing the cleaning up after her.
She is 25 now and pregnant again. Her “boyfriend” (47) turned out to be married and bailed when she told him.
My parents have pretty much written her off. So she won’t be getting anything from them. She came by to cry about her life.
I told her that I would help her out if she terminated and got her tubes tied. She said I was a monster for suggesting abortion. Or that she does not have a chance at a family.

I agree that I am a monster. On her way out the door, she asked for some gas money. I told her she knew what she had to do to get any help from me.
She said that she thought that was for real help, not $20 for gas. I said if that isn’t real help then she doesn’t need it and I closed the door on her.
She has been trying to get me to change my mind for a week, but I’m done. I love that woman, but I will not be raising another child for her.
People stood on his side.
- “As if abortion is worse than abandonment. You’re a good sibling for holding boundaries. You can’t enable her any longer. I hope she grows up, but sometimes you can’t fix stupidity.”
- “You are not a monster. Your sister is one, though. Giving births then abandoning her children is definitely one form of monstrosity.”
“You’ve already stepped up twice to raise kids that weren’t your responsibility. She changed nothing and came to you expecting the same result. But she isn’t a teenager anymore, she’s 25, doing a married guy 20+ years older than her, and is surprised that he noped out.
Why does she need gas money? Does she not work? She certainly isn’t supporting her kids.
You aren’t telling her she HAS to ‘get spayed’ or have an abortion, but that you will not be adopting this child unless she can show she has changed her ways. She doesn’t want to, that’s on her, as is figuring out what to do with the current child.”

- “It’s taken me this lifetime to understand sometimes you can’t save everyone. Sometimes we just have to love from a distance. If you keep trying to save those types of people, you’ll be dragged over the cliff when they eventually drive off it.”MyFriendsCallMeEpic / Reddit
- “She was a teenager with the 1st and 2nd. With the 2nd, that’s no longer a valid excuse because she already knew how babies were made. You love your kids, but you’re done starting with a new baby, again. I get it.
I have talked to many friends who love their kids but have no desire to start over with a new one, again. Sister needs to get herself together or give that child up for adoption. Either way, she’s got to make some hard decisions with no one to bail her out, again.” - “By now, you think she’d learn. But no, she thinks you’re just going to keep making this possible. She wants a family? She can adult up and pay for it then.” shammy_dammy / Reddit
This ultimatum may seem harsh to some, but it’s born from a place of genuine concern and love. It’s about breaking a cycle that seems to do more harm than good.